Welcome to

your massage, healing, therapy centre


Do you have any of these problems and you are looking for a qualified therapist?



Most of the following problems can be treated with the safe Dorn-Breuss therapeutic method,

the cupping therapy and the kinesiology tape.


back and spine problems, upper- and lower back pain, disc problems, pelvic obliquity, leg length difference, joint pain, muscular back pain, shoulder- arm- elbow problems, sports injuries, shin splint, hamstring, mobility problem, headache and migraine, stress, skin problems,
cellulite, acne, rosacea, scars, psoriasis, neurodermatitis...


Or do you only want to relax? 

Then you found the right place!

You are welcomed to visit my homepage. I am sure we will find the right treatment for you.

Please click here and you get dircted to my new website.














Please note that I only work by appointments!



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